CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
1: 2019 Halloween WOD 1 (Time)
9 Rounds For Time:
12 – 10 – 8 G2OH (25#)
100m Run after every set of G2OH
Partner A does 12, Partner B does 10, Partner C does 8. Each partner does 3 rounds for a total of 9 Rounds
**next partner can start their G2OH as soon as the partner before them leaves for their run.
** One plate per team (25#)
2: 2019 Halloween WOD 2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP x 10
10 Cal Row
8 T2B OR 10 Sit-ups OR 15 Knee Ups
6 Single Leg DB DL OR 4 DB hang C&J OR 6 DB Hang Snatch (50/35)
–Next partner goes and moves on as soon as the person in front of them finishes the movement and moves on. —When you get to the T2B and the DB movements you can choose any one movement out of the three.
For example if everyone on your team can do T2B then you can all do T2B. If everyone can snatch 50/35 then everyone can snatch.
RX: Crossfit Games Open 20.4 (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 24 in/20 in
15 clean and jerks, 95 / 65lb
30 box jumps, 24 in /20 in
15 clean and jerks, 135 / 85 lb
30 box jumps, 24 in /20 in
10 clean and jerks, 185 / 115 lb
30 single-leg squats
10 clean and jerks, 225 / 145 lb
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 275 lb / 175 lb
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 315 lb / 205 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
SCLD: Crossfit Games Open 20.4 Scaled (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in.
15 clean and jerks, 65 / 35 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in.
15 clean and jerks, 95 / 55 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in.
10 clean and jerks, 115 / 75 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
10 clean and jerks, 135 / 95 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 lb / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 155 / 115 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 185 / 135 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
55+: Crossfit Games Open 20.4 Masters (55+) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 24 /20 in
15 clean and jerks, 95 / 65 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
15 clean and jerks, 115 / 75 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
10 clean and jerks, 135 / 95 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
10 clean and jerks, 155 / 105 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 185 / 125 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 205 / 145 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
55+SC: Crossfit Games Open 20.4 Masters Scaled (55+) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 20 / 16 in
15 clean and jerks, 45 / 35 lb
30 box jumps, 20 / 16 in
15 clean and jerks, 65 / 45 lb
30 box jumps, 20 / 16 in
10 clean and jerks, 85 / 65 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
10 clean and jerks, 105 / 75 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 125 / 85 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 145 / 105 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
RXTN: Crossfit Games Open 20.4 Teens (Ages 14-15) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
15 clean and jerks, 65 / 35 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
15 clean and jerks, 95 / 55 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
10 clean and jerks, 115 / 75 lb
30 single-leg squats
10 clean and jerks, 135 / 95 lb
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 155 / 105 lb
30 single-leg squats
5 clean and jerks, 185 / 115 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes
SCTN: Crossfit Games Open 20.4 Teens Scaled (Ages 14-15) (Time)
For time:
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
15 clean and jerks, 45 / 35 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
15 clean and jerks, 65 / 45 lb
30 box jumps, 24 / 20 in
10 clean and jerks, 85 / 65 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
10 clean and jerks, 105 / 75 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 125 / 85 lb
30 medicine-ball step-ups, 20 / 14 lb
5 clean and jerks, 145 / 95 lb
Time cap: 20 minutes