

Main – CrossFit

Metcon (Time)

3×8 unbroken Hang Power Snatch for time, 115/85

ADV RX 135/95

“Mania” (Time)

7 RFT:
400m Run
29 Back Squats, 135/95 – taken from the racks

ADV RX no Racks

Games Athletes Programming below

Metcon (Time)

5-4-3-2-1 Clean and Jerks for time, 185/125

ADV RX 225/155

Metcon (Time)

3×8 unbroken Hang Power Snatch for time, 135/95

Track Session (AMRAP – Rounds)

300 yard Shuttle Sprint for time.
Rest 5 minutes
300 yard Shuttle Sprint for time.
(The 300 shuttle is 6 x 25 yards out and back)

Take the average of the two times.
Elite times:
Men: :56
Women: 1:02

Metcon (Time)

All for time:
2 RFT:
2 Strict Deficit HSPU
2 Rope Climbs
Rest 1 minute
2 RFT:
4 Kipping Deficit HSPU
2 Rope Climbs
rest 1 minute
2 RFT:
8 Strict HSPU
2 Rope Climbs
Rest 1 minute
2 RFT:
16 Kipping HSPU
2 Rope Climbs

Picture of PPLAdmin
