

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

Strict Gymnastics

Minutes 0-5 AMRAP:

3 Tempo Negative Strict HSPU

5 Strict T2B

Minutes 5-10 AMRAP:

1 Wall Walk

1 Gymnastic Complex:

1 Strict C2B

1 Strict Pull-up

1 Kipping Pull-up

1 C2B

1 Bar MU

Minutes 10-15 AMRAP:

5 Strict Ring Dips

5 Pausing Ring Rows

Focus on quality over how many total rounds you complete

Minutes 0-5:

*Tempo Negative Strict HSPU: 3 Seconds Down, Fast Up

*Strict T2B: Control Legs Down to Prevent Swinging

Minutes 5-10:

**Wall Walk: **Goal is Nose to Wall

Gymnastics Complex: Aim is to complete a challenging, but not max effort, gymnastic set. Option as an example:

* 1 Strict Pull-Up

* 2 Kipping Pull-Up

* 3 C2B Pull-Ups

The goal is to choose a complex that challenges us, but one we feel comfortable completing multiple sets with inside the time.

Minutes 10-15:

Strict Ring Dips: Choose Variation You Can Complete in 1-2 Sets

Pausing Ring Rows: Pause 3 Seconds with Chest on Rings


Tempo Negative Strict HSPU

Reduce Reps

Feet on Box or Bench

Tempo Negative Double Dumbbell Strict Press

Strict T2B

Reduce Reps

Feet as High as Possible (Without Swinging)

Wall Walk

Legs as High as Comfortable

Gymnastic Complex

Banded Pull-ups & MU

Jumping Pull-ups & MU

Strict Ring Dips

Reduce Reps

Banded Strict Ring Dips

Jumping Negative Ring Dips (Jump to Lockout & Slowly Lower Down)


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

12 DB Facing Burpees

18 C2B

Directly Into…

3 Rounds:

12 Double Dumbbell Snatches (50’s/35’s)

18/12 Calorie Bike

Directly into…

1 Round:

21 Devil Presses (50’s/35’s)


DB (35/20#) & Pull-ups

Picture of PPLAdmin
