CrossFit WOD, May 9, 2020

CrossFit WOD, May 9, 2020

Saturday class is at 9 AM tomorrow on Zoom. Our Saturday competition throwdown will be at 10 AM. Todd and Darius are partnered up against Eric/Johnny and Allison/ Katie

Metcon (Time)
Cash-In: 80 jumping lunges then 300 double unders.
10 Rounds
6 Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
6 S2OH
Cash-Out 80 jumping lunges then 300 double unders

Barbell is 95/65

The Cash-in and cash-out needs to be done in order meaning finish all of the jumping lunges and then finish all of the double unders. Partners can split reps however they wish.

The 10 rounds will be done alternating rounds. Partner A does a full round and then Partner B does a full round to total 10 rounds. Five rounds for each partner.

Picture of PPLAdmin
