Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Ascending Ladder
3 Push Presses
3 T2B
3 Cal Row
Ascending Ladder
3 Push Presses
3 T2B
3 Cal Row
RX 95/65
ADV RX 115/85
-Reps will climb by 3 reps every round
-Score is total rounds and reps
Split Jerk (Build to a heavy Split Jerk)
With an 8 Minute Window Build to a heavy Split Jerk off the rack
Extra Gymnastics Work
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
On the 2:00 x 3 Rounds:
12/9 Calorie Bike
Max Ring MU in time remaining
12/9 Calorie Bike
Max Ring MU in time remaining
Rest 2 minutes
On the 2:00 x 3 Rounds:
12/9 Cal Bike
Max Ring MU in time remaining
Score is number of MU
Other options:
Bar MU or C2B