Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP x 20
20 Burpee Box jumps
40/30 Cal Row
80 DU
20 Burpee Box jumps
40/30 Cal Row
80 DU
Shoulder Press (Weight)
In place of The Above Lift
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds:
Strict HSPU 1 sec pause 40%
Strict HSPU no pause 50%
Kipping HSPU no pause 60%
Strict HSPU 1 sec pause 40%
Strict HSPU no pause 50%
Kipping HSPU no pause 60%
1 min rest between each set
All three % are based off of max strict HSPU
Min 0, 6: Strict press 1×4 (2 sec pause on Shoulders) 75-80%
Min 2, 8: Strict press 1×5 (no pause) 80-85%
Min 4, 10: Push press 1×6 (no pause) 85-90%
Based off of 1RM strict press