Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Strict Pull-ups
On the 0:00 4 Pull-ups
On the 0:30 4 Pull-ups
On the 1:00 4 Pull-ups
On the 1:30 3 Pull-ups
On the 2:00 3 Pull-ups
On the 2:30 3 Pull-ups
On the 0:00 4 Pull-ups
On the 0:30 4 Pull-ups
On the 1:00 4 Pull-ups
On the 1:30 3 Pull-ups
On the 2:00 3 Pull-ups
On the 2:30 3 Pull-ups
Front Squat (5 x 3 5 sec pause at the bottom)
Metcon (Time)
Every 2 minutes Until 150 Wallball Reps:
18/14 Cal row
Max Wallballs (20/14)
18/14 Cal row
Max Wallballs (20/14)
The workout will begin on the Row, and on the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…. we will perform that same row.
In the remaining time of the 2 minutes accumulate max rep wallballs.
Goal is to have about 1 minute of rowing and 1 minute of wallballs. On average when fresh 30 wallballs can be done in 1 minute. So use this as a baseline to understanding how to approach each time you pick up the ball.
Your row pace should be something that allows you to immediately pick up the wallball. Goal is 10 – 15 minute with a 20 minute time cap.
Set 1: 50 -60%
Set 2: 70%
Set 3 – 5 80%
Climb in weight from set 1 – 3 then same weight for Set 3 – 5.
-Holding the 5 second pause at the bottom is more important than the loading.
– If you need to drop the wight in order to maintain perfect form and adhere to the pause please do so.