CrossFit – Fri, Dec 8
Clean (4 Sets of Clean Complex)
Metcon (Time)
Cash-out 30/24 Calorie Echo Bike
5 Rounds:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Cash-Out 30/24 Calorie
ADV RX: 155 / 105
RX: 135/95
Goal is 2:30-3:00 on the bike each time and 7 minutes to do 5 Rounds.
Extra work
2 Sets:
Max Strict Handstand Push-ups
Max Strict Banded Pull-ups
Rest 1:00 between
4 Sets:
1 Squat Clean+ 1 Hang Squat Clean from below the knee + 1 Hang Squat Clean from above the knee + 1 Jerk
Rest 2-4 Minutes Between Sets
: 75-80% of 1RM Squat Clean
Focus on technique through the different positions as well as speed/explosiveness. Move quickly and aggressively with sound technique. This is one full unbroken set.
The Jerk can be split or push.