CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Hours today are 5:30am 6:30am, 8:30am, 5:30pm and 6:30pm
Back Squat (4×3 climbing then set 5 max reps at 80%1RM)
4×3 climbing, start low at 50% of 1 RM and slowly go up to 80% for your 5th set of max reps. Change the reps in WODify from 1 to whatever # you get. We will go up 5% for our last set for the next 5 weeks on Mondays so make sure your % are accurate. Next Monday will be max reps at 85%
Metcon (Time)
400m Run
12 T2B
ADV RX you go every 3 min and log your longest round. So for example from 0-3 R1, 3-6 R2, 6-9 R3, 9-12 R4. Time yourself each round and log your longest round.