CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
With a running clock…
(NOTE heavy not 1RM)
1. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Front Squat
2. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Muscle Snatch
3. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single OHS
4. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Snatch Balance
5. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Squat Snatch
6. 5 minutes to work up to a heavy single Front Squat
Front Squat (1×1)
Muscle Snatch (1×1)
Overhead Squat (1×1)
Snatch Balance (1×1)
Squat Snatch (1×1)
Front Squat (1×1)
Metcon (Time)
15 OHS, 95/65
15 C2B
15 Squat Snatches, 95/65
15 C2B
15 Front Squats, 95/65
15 C2B
15 Squat Cleans, 95/65
15 C2B
ADV RX 155/105