CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Minutes 0-5: Romanian Deadlift (Build to Moderate Set of 5)
Minutes 5-10: Sumo Deadlift (Build to a Moderate Set of 3)
Minutes 10-15: Conventional Deadlift (Build to a Heavy Set of 1)
After each deadlift set, complete 1 set of Strict Handstand Push-ups, at 25% of your best set.
OR Kipping or 2 Wall walks or 5 DB incline press
Romanian Dead Lifts (Build to moderate set of 5 TnG)
Sumo Deadlift (Builed to moderate set of 3)
Deadlift (Build to heavy 1)
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 Rounds:
1 min: 30 Walking Lunges
1 min Rest
1 min: 15 Deadlifts (185/135)
1 min Rest
1 min: 15/10 Cal Bike
1 min Rest
RX DL 155/105