

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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Metcon (No Measure)

2 rounds each:

Partner A

100m row slow

100m row moderate

100m sprint

Partner B

10 slamballs

10 push-ups

5 slow air squats



Barbell work

cycle through the complex with the barbell for one full round and then work up to your 60 %


Power Clean (Same load across for all 5 sets)

On the 2:30 x 5 Sets:

3-Position Power Clean

Barbell load – 60% of max Power Clean

Complex of (3) repetitions.

1 High Hang Power clean (pocket-level)

1 Hang Power Clean (knee-level)

1 Power Clean (from the floor)

Hold onto the bar for the duration (building our stamina in our grip, no less our full movement).


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 2

Ascending Ladder for 25 Minutes


Row Calories

KBS (24/16)

Wallballs (20/14)

Partner completes the full round before switching, and each partner goes through the same repetition scheme in full before moving on.

Written out another way, let’s say you and I are partners. You’ll go first. You complete 3 calories on the rower, 3 KBS, and 3 wallballs. After you’ve finished that, I’ll do the same (3/3/3). Then we move onto 6’s, with you once again starting the order. 6 cal row, 6 swings, 6 wallballs. And I follow in suit. We climb the ladder, adding three reps each round, until the 25 minute time cap is reached.

Scoring wise, if we complete the round of 15’s, and we get 10 reps on top, let’s enter a score of 15+10.

The purpose of this piece is the intensity. Bring your higher levels of effort to each round, knowing you have roughly a 1:1 work/rest situation.

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