CrossFit WOD, April 24, 2020

CrossFit WOD, April 24, 2020

Quarantine Open Competition:
Duration:  2 weeks Format:
You will get 3 Individual Workouts both weeks.  All three individual workouts will be released on Sunday at 8:30pm. Results of those 3 workouts must be entered into WODify by Wednesday at midnight.  The results from all 3 workouts will then reveal the 4 top athletes (top 2 female and top 2 male) who will then choose any CFA member. I repeat any CFA member to be their partner.  Which will bring us to Saturday partner throw down on zoom at 10AM.
Here is a little spicy twist: Two CFA athletes will be chosen and posted on Sunday night at 8:30PM.   On WODify, we will post the workouts and we will post the two chosen athletes who will go head to head Monday night at 7pm.  They will do one of the three workouts and will not know which one they are doing until Monday at 6:45 when we announce it on zoom.  
Zoom dates and times to log in for our ONLINE fun:* This Friday April 24th at 6:15pm – to go over any questions and the rules* This Monday April 27th and next Monday May 4th at 7PM to watch the 2 chosen athletes go head to head. *Next Friday April 30th and the following Friday May 8th at 6:15PM to see who the 4 athletes choose for a partner because it could be YOU.*Next Saturday May 2nd and the following Saturday May 9th at 10AM to watch the partner competition.
Some Rules and Regulations:–You must have a judge to count your reps and watch your movements (your mom, dad, wife, husband, friend, son, daughter…..) anyone either virtually or in person. –WE are happy to help you.  –You Don’t have to be in the competition to get chosen to compete.  –Top 4 athletes need to choose someone that is not in the top 4 finish.–You can choose a male or female.–All WODs and movements will be scaled accordingly based on equipment at home.  –Most importantly this is for FUN and ONLY FUN!–Athletes competing on Monday at 6:15PM and Saturday at 10AM will have 5-10 min to warm up immediately following the workout release.

Squat Clean and Jerk (5×1 Climbing)
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
3-Position Squat Clean +
1 Split Jerk
Ground, Below Knee, Above Knee

5×1 Climbing (add weight as you go)

Squat clean from the ground
Squat clean below the knee
Squat clean above the knee
then finish with one Split Jerk

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Cleans (95/65)
30 DU
15 Thrusters (95/65)
30 DU

ADV RX 135/95

Picture of PPLAdmin
