Alternating on the 1:30 x 12
Interval 1:
2 Strict C2B
4 Strict Pull-ups
6 Strict HSPU
Alternating on the 1:30 x 12
Interval 1:
2 Strict C2B
4 Strict Pull-ups
6 Strict HSPU
Interval 2:
6 Mat Lengths HS Walk
Interval 1:
4 Strict Pull-ups
6 Kipping HSPU
Interval 2:
3 Mat Lengths HS Walk
Example: On the 0:00 complete C2B, pull-ups and HSPU then at the 1:30, complete 6 mat lengths of HS walk. At the 3:00 go back to Interval 1 and at the 4:30 go back to Interval 2. Continue this pattern until the clock is at 12:00
PULL-UPS – banded or Ring rows or DB bent over rows
STRICT HSPU – Box HSPU or push-ups
HSWalk – DB or KB Overhead Carry for 50m on the Right then 50m on the Left or :20 – :30 Handstand hold practice or Shoulder Taps or Wall Walks
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
27 Box Jumps, 27 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
21 Deadlifts, 21 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
15 Hang Cleans, 15 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
9 Jerks, 9 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
27 Box Jumps, 27 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
21 Deadlifts, 21 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
15 Hang Cleans, 15 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
9 Jerks, 9 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
ADV RX 165/115
RX 135/95