No 6:30pm class this Friday, No Open gym this Sunday and No Yoga!

No 6:30pm class this Friday, No Open gym this Sunday and No Yoga!

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Yes we have class this saturday.? Also CFK is only at 9:30 am all week no 4pm.

View Public Whiteboard


Clean and Jerk (60% 2+1 70% 2+1 x 3, 75% 2+1×2)

60%2 cleans +1 Jerk

70% 2 cleans +1 Jerk x3

75% 2cleans +1 Jerk x 2


Metcon (Time)

10 RFT:

12 Deadlifts (155/105)

9 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)

6 Push Jerks (155/105)

Partner “DT”

Partner A does one full round then switches. Each person will do a total of 5 rounds.

ADV RX as written

RX 135/95

Picture of PPLAdmin
