No WOD available


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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Back Squat (1RM)

If you’re not feeling a 1RM do another week of:

Triple at 80%

Single at 85%

Triple at 80%

Single at 87%

Triple at 80%

Single at 90%


Metcon (Time)

Partner WOD

1,500m Row

75 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24/20″

Split reps

Extra work if you want an after WOD

Muscle Ups

For time:

Ninjas: 4×8 unbroken Muscle ups, rest as needed between sets

Advanced: 5×6 unbroken Muscle ups, rest as needed between sets

Intermediate: 8×4 unbroken Muscle ups, rest as needed between sets

Novice: 10×3 unbroken Muscle ups, rest as needed between sets
Change the sets when you log your work.


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

“Run BMC”

200m Run

1 Round of Badger:

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups

40 Sit-ups

50 Air Squats

400m Run

2 Rounds of Mary:

5 Handstand Push-ups

10 Pistols

15 Pull-ups

600m Run

3 Rounds of Cindy:

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

800m Run

Partner up and work together and split reps or work together and each do all the reps or do it on your own. RX is only if you do all the reps. Have fun!

Halloween 3

CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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1: Metcon (Weight)

0-10 minutes each team member establishes a 3 rep touch and go clean max. Score is the total weight for the entire team. Example: Athlete A does 100lbs, B does 100lbs and C does 100lbs. Score is 300lbs.


2: Metcon (Time)

Relay style, with each member completing their full workout before tagging the next:

(A) 9-6-3:

Kettlebell Deadlift 24/16kg, burpees

(B) 12-9-6:

Chest-Level Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg, burpees

(C) 15-12-9: Overhead Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg, burpees

Teams can choose which athlete does which workout, but each athlete must complete one of the three above. Athlete “A” starts the order and completes the full 9-6-3 before tagging Athete “B”. When Athete “B” completes their portion, they tag Athlete “C”. When Athlete “C” completes their final workout, that total time is the score for the event.

3: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Event 3

AMRAP x 15min:

15 T2B*

15 Wallballs* 20/14

15 Barbell Repetitions* 75/55

45 Cal Row*

Each team member completes repetitions at each station before the team advances.


Athlete 1 – 15 T2B or 30 knee ups

Athlete 2 – 15 Knee ups

Athlete 3 – 15 Sit-ups

*Wallballs –

Athlete 1 – 15 Medball Front Squats

Athlete 2 – 15 Medball Thrusters

Athlete 3 – 15 Wallball Shots

*15 Barbell Repetitions

Athlete 1 – 15 Deadlifts (75/55#)

Athlete 2 – 15 Hang Cleans (75/55#)

Athlete 3 – 15 Hang Snatches (75/55#)


Athlete 1 – 15 Cal Row

Athlete 2 – 15 Cal Row

Athlete 3 – 15 Cal Row


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Tomorrow is our Family Fun day. I hope everyone has their costume and is ready to have some fun. We will have a 3 WOD competition with judges at every class time. Come in with your 3 person team when you can. CF Kids will have a competition as well. Please join us for Trunk OR Treat at 5pm. Eric and I will provide some food, BYOB and if possible a side dish. Also, if you have a corn-hole board please bring it. NOTE: if you don’t have a team, no worries we will work something out. LETS HAVE SOME FUN!!!

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Kelly Nouri rocking some pull-ups Tuesday

Metcon (Time)

400 m run

Rest 2 minutes

400 m run

Rest 2 minutes

300m run

Rest 1:30

300m run

Rest 1:30

200m run

Rest 1 min

200m run



CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Happy Birthday Derrick!

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Halloween 2014 Bo, Josh and Derrick


Front Squat (3×82%,1×88%,3×82%1×90%,3×82%,1×93%)


Metcon (Time)

Partner WOD

160 Wallballs (20/14#)

160 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)

160 Sit-ups

160 Cal Row

*Lunges are in place not walking.


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



Power Snatch (75/55#)


Rest 4:00



Power Snatch (95/65#)

Burpees over Bar

Rest 4:00



Power Snatch (115/80#)

Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″)


Kipling HSPU (EMOMx7)

Ninjas: EMOMx7: 12 unbroken kipping HSPU

Advanced: EMOMx7: 9 unbroken kipping HSPU

Intermediate: EMOMx7: 6 unbroken kipping HSPU

Beginner: EMOMx7: 3 unbroken kipping HSPU


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

We are only $68 away from raising enough money to give 10 free mammograms. Donate to BFB here: https://fundraise.barbellsforboobs.org/cfallegiance

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Back Squat (3×80%, 1×85%, 3×80%, 1×87%, 3×80%, 1×90%)

Triple at 80%

Single at 85%

Triple at 80%

Single at 87%

Triple at 80%

Single at 90%


scale: Heartbreak Kid (Time)

“Heartbreak Kid”

3 RFT:

10 Front Squats, 135/95

20 C2B Pull ups

50 Double unders

RX: Heartbreak Kid ADV (Time)

“Heartbreak Kid”

3 RFT:

10 Front Squats, 155/105 no rack

20 C2B Pull ups

50 Double unders

ADVRX: Heartbreak Kid Regional (Time)

“Heartbreak Kid”

3 Rounds:

10 Front Squats, 185/135 – no rack

20 C2B

50 Double Unders


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

Partner WOD

400m Run

100 Wallballs

400m Run

100 push-ups

400m Run

100 Air Squats

400m Run

100 Wallballs

Split reps and run together


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Don’t forget to donate for Breast Cancer

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP x 18min:

4 Bar Muscle-ups

8 Snatches (115/80#)

16 Box Jumps (24″/20″)


L3 8 C2B

L2 10 PU

L3 15 RR

Core work

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tabata sit-ups

Tabata V-ups

Tabata plank


CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit

Member Spotlight: Leslie Auton
1) When did you start with us? And what made you take the plunge?
I have been with CrossFit Allegiance since day 1…4 years ago because one of my best friends told me she was going to open a CrossFit box…I thought what the heck, I will give it a try. I have loved it ever since.

2) If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
I would love to be able to fly! I just think it would be fun…and would come in handy when I need to get somewhere fast.

3) What would the title of your autobiography be?
Anything You Can Do I Can Do…And Better. Lol

4) If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?
Shane would say that I would need power, phone charger and my phone…yeah, he is probably right.

5) If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
Black Jaguar… because I love black and I would be fast!

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP x 20min:

Teams of 3:

7 KBS (32/24kg)

Shuttle Sprint (50m + 50m + 50m) to the 25m mark and back

7 Calorie Row

Rotate and split reps anyway you want. One person working at a time.
Every 50m is worth 1 rep. Rotate anyway you want. Each round is worth 17 reps.