CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Front Squat
Heavy Set at Each, Climbing:
Complete each set on the 3:00
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
21/15 Calorie Row
21 T2B
21 Front Squats (115/80)
rest 4 minutes
15/12 Calorie Row
15 T2B
15 Front Squats (135/95)
rest 4 minutes
9/6 Calorie Row
9 T2B
9 Front Squats (155/105)
ADV RX as written
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.
-Thomas Edison
Metcon (No Measure)
Partner up on a rower
3 Rounds EMOM
Odd Min – 10/8 Calorie Row
Even Min – 10 Sit-ups
Soldier Walks
Knee tucks
Butt Kicks
Hip Stretch
Cherry pickers
10 Slow Air Squats
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch
On the Minute x 12 (3 Rounds):
Minute 1 – 3 Power Snatches
Minute 2 – 2 Hang Squat Snatches
Minute 3 – 1 Squat Snatch
Minute 4 – Rest
Same weight across
Isabel (Time)
For Time: 30 Snatches, 135# / 95#
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Alternate option
6 Power Snatches (95/65)
18 Bar Hop Overs
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
5 Rounds
7 Power Cleans (135/95)
7 Burpees
200 Meter Row
Each partner does 5 Rounds.
Partner A does one round while partner B rests, then switch.
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy belated Birthday Marcio!
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
1 mile run
600 DU
180 Wallballs
Run together and split reps in any order you want.
Your coaches will tell you what the 1 mile run is.
Congrats to Amy for finishing 3rd in Scaled Mid Atlantic region out of 52 teachers age 40-44 AND 21 in the WORLD out of 473 teachers.
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Accessory Work
Metcon (No Measure)
1) 3×8 per leg Bulgarian Split Squat (with or without DB at your sides, you choose)
2) 3×8 Seated Dumbbell Press
3) 3×1-8 depending on ability L-sit strict pull-ups
Exercises 1&2 can be done on 20″ box jump
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
500 m Row
15 Deadlifts (50% of 1 rep max)
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
5 laps around the gym
2 rounds
:15 right side plank
:15 left side plank
:15 plank
10 supermans
Soldier walks
Quad pulls
Cherry pickers
Butt kicks down and back
High knees down and back
5 Worms
10 Lunges
90/90 stretch
child’s pose
5 jumping squats
5 Rounds
5 push ups
5 airsquats
15 sit-ups
Grab a bar
Burgener warmup
Metcon (Weight)
MIn 0-1 (1 minute)
10 Clean and jerk 95/65
Min 1-2 (1 minute)
10 T2B
Min 2-3 Rest (1 minute)
Min 3-5 (2 minutes)
8 Clean and jerk 135/95
Min 5-6 (1 minute)
10 T2B
Min 6-7 Rest (1 minute)
Min 7-9 (2 minutes)
6 Clean and jerk 155/105
Min 9-10 (1 minute)
10 T2B
Min 10-11 Rest (1 minute)
Min 11-13 (2 minute)
3 Clean and jerk max Weight across
ADV RX as written
RX 75/55, 95/65, 115/80 and 8 T2B
Measure for this WOD is ADV RX or RX if you get all the reps and do the prescribed Weight and your score is the weight you choose for your last 3 clean and jerks.
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Core work
Metcon (No Measure)
Not For Time:
3 Rounds
10 Hollow Rocks
10 sit-ups
10 supermans
:30 sec plank
3 Rounds
10 GHD Hip extensions
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner WOD
EMOM x 20 min:
5 Burpees, AMRAP thrusters
ADV RX 115/80
RX 95/65
Fitness 75/55
min 0-1 Partner A does 5 burpees, then with the remainder of the minute as many thrusters as possible While Partner B hangs from the pull-up bar
min 1-2 Partner B does 5 burpees, then with the remainder of the minute as many thrusters as possible while B hangs from the pull-up bar
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday Jenny Pridmore!
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
-Thomas Edison
Back Squat (3×10 65%)
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds
400 m Run
15 SDLHP (95/65)
12 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
9 C2B
RX 75/55 Pull-ups
Congrats to Jason and Brent for placing 3rd and 5th in Scaled Mid Atlantic Region….way to represent CFA! Jason finished 36th in the world and Brent finished 55th. Awesome!
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
“We will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall catch excellence.”
-Vince Lombardi
Metcon (Time)
Team of 3
For Time:
400 m run
30 Cleans (135/95)
400 m run
40 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
400 m run
50 Clusters (135/95)
400 m run
RX 115/80
Fitness 95/65
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday Nancy and Kate!
Next week Spring Break Schedule:
Saturday 3/31
Sunday 4/1
Monday 4/2
Kyle 5:30am
Leslie 6:30am
Frankie 8:30am 9:30am 12pm 4pm
Leslie 5:30pm 6:30pm
Tuesday 4/3
Kyle 5:30am
NO 6:30am
Melissa 8:30am 9:30am 12pm 4pm
Greg 5:30pm, 6:30pm
Wednesday 4/4
Kyle 5:30am,
Leslie 6:30am
Melissa 8:30am 9:30am
Frankie 12pm
Melissa 4pm
Leslie 5:30pm 6:30pm
Thursday 4/5
Kyle 5:30am
Melissa 8:30am 9:30 12pm
Greg 4pm
Leslie 5:30 6:30pm
Friday 4/6
Kyle 5:30am
Greg 6:30am
Greg 8:30am 9:30am
Melissa 12pm 4pm
Leslie 5-7pm open gym
Saturday 4/7
Sunday 4/8
Greg finished 1865 in the world, 117 in Mid Atlantic, 30th in NC, 1077 in US. For those of you doing CrossFit for some time now you can appreciate these awesome numbers. Greg is a tremendous athlete and we are lucky to have him on our coaching staff.
Accessory Work
Metcon (No Measure)
1) 3×8 per leg Bulgarian Split Squat (with or without DB at your sides, you choose)
2) 3×8 Seated Dumbbell Press
Both exercises can be done on 20″ box jump
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Power Snatches (95/65)
30 Wallballs (20/14)
60 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (65/45)
15 Wallballs
30 DU