CrossFit WOD, November 17, 2023
2 Cleans)
3 Cleans
3 T2B
100m Run
6 Cleans
6 T2B
100m Run
9 Cleans
9 T2B
100m Run
12 Cleans
12 T2B
100m Run
15 Cleans
15 T2B
100m Run
Barbell (135/95)
Cleans are power not squat and yes from the ground. 🙂
CrossFit WOD, November 16, 2023
Partner WOD
40/30 Calorie Echo Bike
20 Hang DB Snatch (R)
20 Hang DB Snatch (L)
Dumbbell (50/35)
CrossFit WOD, November 15, 2023
For Time:
21-15-9 Thrusters 95 / 65 lb
4-3-2 Rope Climbs (15ft.)
Time Cap: 8 Minutes
CrossFit WOD, November 14, 2023
CrossFit WOD, November 13, 2023
30 double-unders
15 pull-ups
30 squats
100-m sprint
Rest 2 minutes
Second Lt. Emily Jazmin Tatum Perez, 23, was killed Sept. 12, 2006, when her Humvee was struck by an improvised explosive device as she was leading a convoy through Al Kifl, Iraq. She served in the 204th Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division of the U.S. Army.
Perez graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 2005. She was an exemplary student and became the highest-ranking African-American female cadet in the history of West Point. An exceptional athlete, Perez was a sprinter on the track team (200 m) and competed in the triple jump. She also excelled at gymnastics and squats. Her favorite movements included sprinting, double-unders, pull-ups, squats and power cleans.
Perez earned numerous awards for her military service, including the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and the Combat Action Badge. She was also posthumously awarded the NCAA Award of Valor in 2008.
Perez was the first female African-American officer in U.S. military history to die in combat and the first female West Point graduate to die in the Iraq War. She is survived by her parents, Daniel and Vicki; brother, Kevyn; and many classmates and friends.
CrossFit WOD, November 11, 2023
Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb)
Complete 1,000 box step ups for time. Use a 20 inch box and wear a ruck pack that weighs 45 lbs for men, and 35 lbs for women.
A ruck is a weighted backpack to simulate the gear carried during a hiking expedition.
Score is the time it takes to complete all 1,000 repetitions.
CrossFit WOD, November 10, 2023
On the 3:00 x 5 Sets:
5 Back Squats @ 65%
Same weight each set
4 Rounds For Time:
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
400/350m Row
R1- 8 Bar Mu
R2 – 6 Bar MU
R3 – 4 Bar MU
R4 – 2 Bar MU
RX- C2B 12-10-8-6
CrossFit WOD, November 9, 2023
Partner WOD
AMRAP x 25
30/24 Calorie Bike
20 Box Jumps or Step-ups
20 T2B
Scale HSPU
DB push-press
CrossFit WOD, November 8, 2023
Row Calories
Every 2 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:
15 Overhead Squats 95 / 65 lb
please do not drop your barbell
6 Rounds
5 Strict Pull-ups
12 Barbell Curls
12 Strict Press
RX – kipping pull-ups
One Barbell same weight across
25 minute time cap
CrossFit WOD, November 7, 2023
On the clock Every 2 minutes: Push Jerk
Set 1: 8 Push Jerks @ 60%
Set 2: 6 Push Jerks @ 70%
Set 3: 4 Push Jerks @ 80%
Set 4: 8 Push Jerks @ 60%
Set 5: 6 Push Jerks @ 70%
Set 6: 4 Push Jerks @ 80%
Set 7: 8 Push Jerks @ 65%
Set 8: 6 Push Jerks @ 75%
Set 9: 4 Push Jerks @ 85%
1 Mile Run
Max Clean & Jerks (135/95#)
800m Run
Max Power Snatch (115/80#)
400m Run
Max Thrusters (95/65#)
Use the same weight for all sets