CrossFit WOD, December 25, 2021
2.5 Mile Run
Every 3 Minutes [Starting @ 0:00]:
25 Air Squats
CrossFit WOD, December 24, 2021
1 Thruster 135 / 95 lb
2 Hang Power Cleans 135 / 95 lb
3 Deadlifts 135 / 95 lb
4 Burpees
5 T2B
6 Box Jumps (24"/20")
7 HSPU or Hand release push-ups
8 Kettlebell goblet squats
9 Kettlebell Swings 24/16Kg
10 Weighted KB Sit-ups 24/16kg
11 Wallballs 20 / 14 lb
12 Calorie Bike
CrossFit WOD, December 23, 2021
2 minute Bike for Calories
1 minute Rest
2 minute Row for Calories
1 minute Rest
cash-out 1 mile jog …… cool down not part of your score
2 minute Bike for Calories
1 minute Rest
2 minute Row for Calories
1 minute Rest
cash-out 1 mile jog …… cool down not part of your score
CrossFit WOD, December 22, 2021
10 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Air Squats
Cash-out 1 mile Run
CrossFit WOD, December 21, 2021
1 Set of 3 @70%
2 Sets of 8 @ 75%
2 Set of 8 @ 60%
Rest 1-3 Minutes Between All Sets.
30/24 Calorie Bike
20 Burpees
CrossFit WOD, December 20, 2021
On the 3:00 x 5 Sets:
15-12-9-6-3 Unbroken Snatch
You choice the weights. Can build or stay the same across. If you break, finish the set but your score will be a 0 for that set.
SCORE: Enter all 5 weights. Overall score will be the sum total.
On the 3:00 x 5 Sets:
15-12-9-6-3 Unbroken Cleans
You choice the weights. Can build or stay the same across. If you break, finish the set but your score will be a 0 for that set.
SCORE: Enter all 5 weights. Overall score will be the sum total.
8 DB Snatches 70 / 50 lb
8 T2B
250/200m Row
RX 50/35
CrossFit WOD, December 18, 2021
5 Rounds For Time:
120 DU
30 OHS 115 / 85 lb
6 Rope Climbs
RX Double DB squats 50/35lbs
10 Pullups per athlete
CrossFit WOD, December 17, 2021
2 x 3 at 50%
1×3 at 65%
1×2 at 75%
2×1 at 80%
Does not need to be TNG
4 Wall Walks
8 DB Snatches 70 / 50 lb
12 T2B
RX 50/35
CrossFit WOD, December 16, 2021
:20 on :10 off
Calorie Bike
8 Rounds
:20 on :10 off
Weighted sit-ups 30/20 slamball
8 Rounds
:20 on :10 off
Calorie Row
8 Rounds
:20 on :10 off
Hollow Rock
CrossFit WOD, December 15, 2021
400m Run
12 C2B
RX Pull-ups
Score- enter all split times
1 Set of 3 @70%
2 Sets of 8 @75%
2 Set of 8 @ 60%
Rest 2-3 Minutes Between All Sets.