CrossFit WOD, August 28, 2020
Set 1 – 14 Reverse Lunges (7/side)
Set 2 – 12 Reverse Lunges (6/side)
Set 3 – 10 Reverse Lunges (5/side)
Set 4 – 8 Reverse Lunges (4/side)
Set 5 – 6 Reverse Lunges (3/side)
75/50 Cal Bike
21 DB Front Squats
21 DB Push Presses
21 DB Hang Clusters
ADV RX DB: 50’s/35’s
RX DB: 35/20’s
CrossFit WOD, August 27, 2020
15 AbMat Sit-Ups
15 Hollow Rocks
8 Strict Press 95/65
12 Ring Dips
100m Farmers Carry 32/24kg
ADV RX as written
RX 75/55 and 24kg/16kg
CrossFit WOD, August 26, 2020
50/35 Cal Row
3 Rounds of "Kelly"
50/35 Cal Row
1 Round of "Kelly":
400m Run
30 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
CrossFit WOD, August 25, 2020
27/21 Calorie Row or Bike
27 Burpees
27 C2B
Rest 4 Minutes
21/15 Calorie Row or Bike
21 Burpees
21 T2B
Rest 4 Minutes
15/12 Calorie Row or Bike
15 Burpees
15 Pull-ups
CrossFit WOD, August 24, 2020
Odd – 3-Position Power Snatch
Even – 7 Thrusters
Choose the same weight that works for both movements.
Build to a moderate weight.
Our focus should be on outstanding technique as opposed to total load.
Each snatch will start at the high hang, then above the knee and finishing with a lift from the floor.
Use this as an opportunity to work on barbell cycling and complete the complex without putting the bar down.
The final lift of this complex will be on tired legs that will allow the weight to pull us forward more easily. Resist this and keep your weight balanced.
A vertical torso combined with a good front rack position is key here.
The thruster can easily pull us weight forward if we allow our torso to pitch or the bar to slide forward in our front rack.
We want to try and keep a full grip on the bar if we can to practice good habits and work on mobility at the same time.
3 Position Clean
7 Dual Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Wallballs
Hang Squat Snatches (75/55)
Thrusters (75/55)
After Each Set: 30 DU
Snatch: Cleans
Thruster: Wall balls
DU: Reduce Reps or 45 Single Unders or 30 Seconds of Practice
21 Hang Squat Snatches
30 DU
21 Thrusters
30 DU
18 Hang Squat Snatches
30 DU
CrossFit WOD, August 22, 2020
Cash In 1000m Row
2 Rounds:
Partner A
400m Run
Partner B
15 C2B
5 Snatches (135/95)
Partner B
400m Run
Partner A
15 C2B
5 Power Snatches (135/95)
Cash out 1000m row
ADV RX as written
RX Pull-ups and 115/75
CrossFit WOD, August 21, 2020
5 TNG Power Clean and Jerks
Week #3 of 3
Recommended: 57-62% of 1RM Clean and Jerk
15/12 Cal Row
10 Double DB Thrusters
5 Double DB Step Ups
DB: 50’s/35’s
Box: 24"/20"
ADV RX as written
RX 35/20
CrossFit WOD, August 20, 2020
100m Single arm OH DB Carry
10 Single DB Box Step Ups
200m Run
OH DB Carry 50m Right arm 50m Left arm
DB 50/35#
CrossFit WOD, August 19, 2020
6′ Handstand Walk, 20 DU
12′ Handstand Walk, 40 DU
18′ Handstand Walk, 60 DU
Continue to add 6′ to each HSW, and 20 reps to each DU round.
Every 6 ft. (1 mat) is 1 Rep
ADV as written
RX Sub HSW for Single Arm DB shoulder press 35/20#
Start with 3 reps on each arm and add 3 reps every round
45 Wallballs (20/14)
30/24 Cal Row
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
CrossFit WOD, August 18, 2020
AMRAP 1:30 – Strict Handstand Pushups
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 1:00 – Strict Pull-Ups
AMRAP 1:00 – Strict Handstand Pushups
Rest 1:00
AMRAP :30 – Strict Pull-Ups
AMRAP :30 – Strict Handstand Pushups
200m Run
10 T2B
5-5-4-4-3-3 Hang Power Cleans
Rounds 1-2 135/95
Rounds 3-4 155/105
Rounds 5-6 175/115
ADV RX as written
R 1-2 95/65
R 3-4 115/75
R 5-6 135/95
Choose weights that allow for full control through the full range of motion.
Don’t slam your knee into the ground.
Complete all the reps on one side before beginning the other side.
Verticle torso throughout the entire movement.
If your torso cannot stay upright throughout the movement, you’ve gone too heavy
When the bar is on your back, point your elbows to the floor and gently pull the bar down into your traps.
Take your lunge steps straight back so you don’t have a "tight rope" type of lunge.
The front leg should be doing most of the work after the back leg gives the initial push off the floor.