CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Burpees
25 DU
Metcon (Time)
10 Sets of 10 unbroken Kipping HSPU – rest as needed between sets.
Regional Wednesday
CrossFit Allegiance – Regional Athletes
Accessory Work
3×10 GHD Presses – Press bar over your eyes.
3×10 Ring In/outs
3×10 Glute Ham Raises
Regional Tuesday
CrossFit Allegiance – Regional Athletes
10 set of: Legless Rope Climb + 2 Rope Climbs, rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Accessory Work
3×5 Sotts Press
Snatch Grip Deadlift (Work up to a heavy double Snatch Grip Dead lift)
War of the WODs 2016
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Partners may switch as often as they want.
✓Both the Row and the snatch must be completed before going to the double unders and pistols/slamballs.
✓If one athlete finishes an item before the other, they may assist but only one athlete can be working at a time
✓ One athlete must begin hanging before any of the toes to bar, knees to 90 or chest to bars count
✓For the knees to 90, toes to bar, chest 2 bar
✓A completed rep on knees to 90, toes to bar, chest 2 bar starts with the feet back past the plane of the bar with the athlete hanging and finishes in that same position. The second athlete cannot start working until the first athlete brings their feet down to the hang position.
✓Both toes must hit the bar at the same time and both knees must be above 90
✓You must stand up with the wall ball to full extension before starting your squat. Squat must pass below parallel and ball must hit the target. If you drop the ball, you may not catch it on the bounce.
✓ Athletes doing box jumps or step ups must extend their hips, show control and have both feet on top of the box.
✓Athletes that are jumping must jump and land on the box with both feet.
✓Athletes that are stepping must bring both feet to the ground in between reps.
✓Pullups may be done as strict/kipping/butterfly but must start with arms straight and finish with chin above the bar ✓Kipping/Strict/False Grip muscle ups are accepted. Athlete must start hanging from the rings with the arms extended and finishes with the shoulders over the rings and the arms extended under control.
✓ Only traditional muscle ups are allowed.
Deadlift (EMOMx8min 3 Deadlifts, across)
touch and go, across, NO DROPPING THE BAR
Team RX
RX: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner Rx and Coed Rx:
11 Min AMRAP
500M Row While Partner does 30 KB Ground to overhead alternating 32/24kg
100 DU while partner does 30 alternating pistols
25 Toes to Bar while partner hangs
then 25 Chest 2 bar while partner hangs
40 Wall Balls 20/14#
Record Time
30 Foot Handstand walk
20 Box Jumps 30/24
Record Time
Max Muscle Ups
You may switch as often as you like.
Team Scaled
scale: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Partner Scaled:
10 Min AMRAP
750M Row While Partner does 30 Dumbbell Ground to overhead alternating 24/12kg
50 Double Unders or 150 Singles(must choose) while partner does 30 Slam balls 30#/20#
40 Knees to 90 while partner hangs
30 Wall Balls 14/10 to the 10ʼ/9ʼ
20 Box Jumps or Step Ups 24/20
Record tie Breaker
Max Pullups
Put number of pull-ups in your notes
Individual RX
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Rx and Masters Rx:
3 minutes to complete
40 Double Unders/15 Burpees over the bar/ 10 Power Snatches 135/95
Record time
Max Muscle ups
3 minutes to complete
20 Toes to bar/15 Box Jumps/10 thrusters 135/95
Record Time
Max Pistols alternating
3 Minutes to complete
Record Time
20 Wall balls/15 Chest 2 bar pullups/10 Push Press 135/95
Max HS Walk(increments)
Score is total reps. Every Muscle up counts as 5 reps. Every Pistol counts as 1 rep and ever 10 feet of HS Walks count as 5 reps. Tiebreaker: Time at each record time spot added together
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday Kendra!
Metcon (Time)
For time:
30 Snatches, 135/95
30 Clean and Jerks, 135/95
30 Thrusters, 135/95
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
12 OHS, 95/65
12 T2B
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy 45th Birthday Eric!
Homesteads tonight at 6pm.
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD:
5 RFT:
60 KBS, 32/24
60 Push ups
400m run
Cash-out 45 DU
Split reps and run together
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Reminder: This Saturday Homesteads at 6pm to celebrate 15 CFA Birthdays in January and Jennifer Norvell going away party~! We reserved some tables in the bar area.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Min 1: :35 seconds for max calorie Row
Min 2: :35 seconds for max reps of Clean and Jerks at 155/105
Min 3: :35 seconds for max reps of Muscle ups
ADV RX 185/135
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Rounds
Kettlebell in Left Hand
Turkish Get Up
Turkish Get Down
Kettlebell in Right Hand
Turkish Get Up
Turkish Get Down
10 one armed russian swings
Switch kettlebell to other hand and repeat
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
This Saturday Homesteads at 6pm to celebrate 15 CFA Birthdays in January and Jennifer Norvell going away party~!
Skill Work
If you have been here everyday this week then take today for your skill/rest day. If you missed a day feel free to do the WOD you missed.
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Happy Birthday Leslie!
Metcon (Time)
4×6 Unbroken Power Cleans for time,
RX 185/125
ADVRX 205/145
– rest as little time as possible between sets
Metcon (Time)
2 Thrusters 95/65, 2 Slamballs 30/20
4 Thrusters, 4 Slamballs
6 Thrusters, 6 Slamballs
8 Thrusters, 8 Slamballs
10 Thrusters, 10 Slamballs
12 Thrusters, 12 Slamballs
Cash out – 44 Wallballs 30/20
Yes the cash-out is part of your time 🙂
CrossFit Allegiance – CrossFit
Snatch (1 RM )
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
10 Jerks, 155/105
10 T2B
10 Burpees