Main – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 RFT: 30 Calorie Row 30 Wallballs, 20/14 30 Box Jumps, 24/20 2. Flexibility work on some variation (or several variations) for 10 minutes
Main – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 RFT: 30 Calorie Row 30 Wallballs, 20/14 30 Box Jumps, 24/20 2. Flexibility work on some variation (or several variations) for 10 minutes
Main – CrossFit Weightlifting Jerk (1 RM) Metcon Metcon (Time) With a partner complete 2 rounds of: 20 DeadLifts, 185/135 20 Sumo Deadlifts, 185/135 20 Stiff Leg Deadlifts, 185/135 20 Double Russian KB Swings, 32kg/24kg One partner completes all 20 reps of a movement while the other rests then switch.
Main – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) “Core Work” 4 Rounds AMRAP 30s sit-ups 30s rest 30s plank 30s rest 30s V-ups 30s rest Metcon Metcon (Time) Cash-in 30 Burpees 3 Rounds 10 KBS 24/16kg 25 DU 10 KBS 25 DU Cash-out 30 Burpees
Main – CrossFit Weightlifting A: Squat Clean (Log how many rep you get in one set) A. Establish a max set of unbroken TnG Squat Cleans, 165/115 Rest 3 minutes No resting on the ground or the hang. Resting in the front rack is OK. B: Squat Clean (Same as above) B. Establish a max
Main – CrossFit Weightlifting Back Squat (7 RM) Front Squat (7 RM) Metcon The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds) Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cyclesWomen RX 95#
Main – CrossFit Metcon 31 Hero’s (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Teams of 2, AMRAP 31: 8 Thrusters (155/105) 6 Rope Climbs 11 BJ (30/24) *One partner always running 400m with 45/25 plate
Main – CrossFit Weightlifting Front Squat (10×3, across) Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 RFT: 75 Double Unders 50 Air Squats 25 Calorie Row
Main – CrossFit Weightlifting Sumo Deadlift (5×5) EMOM for 10:00 Even 5 Touch & Go Sumo Deadlifts 65% Odd 30 DU Metcon A Jersey Sandwich (Time) 25 Deadlifts (225/155) 50 Wallballs (20/14) 25 Deadlifts (225/155)
Main – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time: 500m Row Metcon Metcon (Time) 10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95# 10 Pullups 8 Clean and Jerks 10 Pullups 6 Clean and Jerks 10 Pullups 4 Clean and Jerks 10 Pullups 2 Clean and Jerks 10 Pullups
Main – CrossFit Weightlifting Front Squat (5×7, across ) Stay on track we will max out soon. Metcon Metcon (Time) 21 Unbroken* Strict Press, 115/75 800m Run 18 Unbroken* Strict Press, 115/75 800m Run 15 Unbroken* Strict Press, 115/75 800m Run *200m Run penalty must be completed any time the strict press is broken.