CrossFit WOD, October 13, 2020
4 Rounds
200m Run
10 C2B
200m Run
10 Jerks (155/105)
4 Rounds
200m Run
5 Ring MU
200m Run
8 Jerks (185/135)
CrossFit WOD, October 12, 2020
3- Pause Clean Deadlift
All Pauses are for 1 sec:
2" off floor
knee level
Work off of 1 RM Clean
Pause in each position before finishing each rep. Only pause on the way up. On the way down do not pause, but move with control to the ground
-Focus on shoulders back and down, feet pressing into the floor causing hips and shoulders to raise at the same time maintaining back angle.
-As the bar goes above your knees, keep knuckles down and "peel" the upper part of your back to the wall behind you.
-Keep your knees bent, feet flat allowing you to find the power position.
-This will naturally allow your bent knees to drift forward as your torso goes vertical.
-Finish with full control to the ground.
3-position Clean High Pull
Positions are "top down"
knee level
low-hang (2" off floor)
1 RM Clean
-Complete a high pull in all three positions.
-Hold onto the bar for all three positions
-Focus on finishing with the bar moving up, NOT out.
-We do NOT want our hips to thrust to the bar causing it to travel forward.
-Focus on being patient with flat feet to get to the power position before sending the hips upward, carry the bar with your hips.
-Finish in full triple extension and shoulder blades pulled back.
3 Position Squat Clean
"top down"
Knee level
Low-hang (2" off floor)
-Hold onto the bar for all 3 positions
-Finish with sending the bar up explosively and meeting the bar at its highest point and taking it to the bottom of your squat.
-Keep eyes and focus above horizon the entire time.
15 Cleans (115/85)
30 DU
15 Wallballs (30/20lbs)
30 DU
RX (95/65) (20/14lb)
Goal is 4-6 Rounds
CrossFit WOD, October 10, 2020
Front Squat (115/85)
200m Run
200m Run
CrossFit WOD, October 9, 2020
500m Row
12 Deadlifts, bodyweight
21 Box Jumps, 20"
1 Strict ring dip
1 Strict T2B
2 Strict ring dip
2 Strict T2B
**Continue to add (1) rep to each movement until time cap
CrossFit WOD, October 8, 2020
AbMat sit-ups
Bike Calorie
After each set (7 Rounds)
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air squats
CrossFit WOD, October 7, 2020
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#
30 DU, 30% max ring MU
30 DU, 30% max Strict HSPU
*Recovery Bike in the time remaining
CrossFit WOD, October 6, 2020
Buy-In: 100 Double Unders
12 Power Cleans (115/80)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
rest 5 minutes
Buy-In: 100 Double Unders
8 Power Cleans (135/95)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
rest 5 minutes
Buy-In: 100 Double Unders
4 Power Cleans (155/105)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
50 DU
75/55, 95/65, 115/80
500m row 20 GHD sit-ups
500m row 10 GHD sit-ups
CrossFit WOD, October 5, 2020
CFA annual Halloween Competition Friday October 30th 3 person teams.
Details and workouts will be emailed soon.
CrossFit WOD, October 3, 2020
1 mile Run
On the 10:00….
3 Rounds
15 Hang Cleans (115/85)
12 Bar-Facing Burpees
9 Thrusters (115/85)
On the 20:00
1 mile Run
Score is sum of all three times
RX 95/65
CrossFit WOD, October 2, 2020
(5 Rounds)
:45s Row (recovery pace)
30′ HSWalk (5 mats)
HSW alternates:
-Wall Walks
-Handstand shoulder taps
-Single arm seated DB Press (5 per arm)
30 Snatches 75/55
30 Box Jump Overs
30 C2B
30/24 Cal Row
Time Cap: 20 minutes
RX Pull-Ups
1 Pausing Split Jerk (1 sec in catch)
-Jerk technique is the main focus not max load.
-Use a little dip to accelerate the bar up
-Push off your back foot to drive down and forward under the bar
-This drill is intended to teach the feel of driving off the back foot during the split jerk