CrossFit WOD, May 20, 2020
1 Set of Strict Handstand Push-ups
1 Set of strict barbell press
We can’t do kipping HSPU against the Warehouse. We can put an abmat under your head for the strict.
RX is 95/75 barbell
3 Double Dumbbell Power Snatches (50’s/35’s)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
-Both heads of the dumbbells touch the floor between the legs at the bottom of each rep
Jump the dumbbells overhead in one smooth motion to a locked out position
-This should be a moderate load that will be completed unbroken each round
–The constant rotation of muscle groups being used, combined with the built in rest, allows you to push the pace in this workout
–Move from a total body pull, to an upper body push, to a lower body push
–See if you can complete each movement unbroken within these short windows
–The two things you can adjust as needed are your transition time and air squat speed
–If you are confident in sustaining unbroken sets at each movement, quickly transition from one movement to the next and speed up your air squats to cut down on dead time
–If you want to control your pace a little more while still moving forward, slow down your air squat and transition speeds
CrossFit WOD, May 19, 2020
1 Round:
160 DU
800m Run
40 Burpees
2 Rounds:
80 DU
400m Run
20 Burpees
3 Rounds:
40 DU
200m Run
10 Burpees
1 Round:
100 Double Unders
2 Rounds:
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds:
20 Double Unders
1 Round:
50 DU
200m run
10 Burpees
2 Rounds:
50 DU
200m Run
10 Burpees
3 Rounds:
50 DU
200m Run
10 Burpees
CrossFit WOD, May 18, 2020
We added a 9:30am class because 8:30am is our most popular time so we hope this allows people the option to make either one.
Outside only 5:30am & 6:30am
Zoom and outside 8:30am 9:30am 12pm 4pm 5:30pm
20 Alternating Pistols (10 per let)
10 Renegade Rows (50/35)
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
50 Air Squats in place of pistols
Renegade rows are 5 on each side with a push up between every row
CrossFit WOD, May 16, 2020
10 Hill Sprints or 20 with a partner (split reps)
1 Full lap not for time
5 Soccer Field Suicides or 10 with a partner (split reps)
1 Full lap cool Down
2 Rounds for Time in WODify
-round one is hill sprints
-round two is field sprints
CrossFit WOD, May 15, 2020
Outside ONLY
5:30am 6:30am
Outside and Zoom
8:30 11:30 12:30 4pm 5:30pm
Please sign into class and if you can’t make it please try to cancel on WODify 2 hours before so someone else can sign in.
If you are doing zoom please sign into the 10pm class in WODify so you are not taking up a spot in the outside class.
It was a lot of fun Wednesday and great to see everybody!
Power Cleans
Cal Row
Directly Into…
Front Squats
Cal Row
ADV RX 135/95
RX 115/75
CrossFit WOD, May 14, 2020
CrossFit WOD, May 13, 2020
Please bring a rag and spray for your equipment.
Class times for Wednesday
Outside Only with no zoom
5:30am 6:30am
Outside and Zoom
8:30am 11:30am 12:30pm 4pm 5:30pm
We’re really excited to have classes outside. We hope everyone is safe and we can continue to stay open.
12 Thrusters (50’s/35’s)
12 Renegade Rows
20 Over and Back DB hops
10 Clean and Jerks (50’s/35’s)
10 Renegade Rows
20 Over and Back DB hops
6 Devils Press (50’s/35’s)
5 Reverse Burpees
15 Air Squats
10 push-ups
20 Side to side hops
30 Sit-ups
CrossFit WOD, May 12, 2020
8:00 10:00 12:00 4:00 5:30
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
We are taking a break on the competition until next week.
We have 7 stations set up outside the building. The stations are well over 6 feet apart. Each station will be set up with your own individual equipment.
We please ask that you bring your own towel and spray to clean your station.
Our Class schedule on zoom and at the gym the rest of this week and next week is as follows from May 13th – May 22nd and then we will reevaluate.
Monday Wednesday and Friday outside classes and zoom classes are all happening at the same time. Zoom people will workout virtually with our outside classes.
Tuesday and Thursday Zoom only
WODify will display the new schedule. If you are NOT coming TO OUR OUTSIDE CLASS IN THE PARKING LOT THEN PLEASE ONLY SIGN INTO THE 10PM WODIFY CLASS. This way you will not take a spot in the class for someone else that plans on physically attending.
Today, Tuesday from 12pm – 6pm is the last day for you to return the equipment we lent out. Please let us know if you need any help returning it.
1 Set of Strict Handstand Push-ups
ADV RX as written
RX 50/35# DB strict press or 115/ 85# shoulder press OR Kipping handstand push-ups
400m Run
21 C2B
9 Burpees
25/20 Cal Row
400m Run
18 C2B
9 Burpees
20/15 Cal Row
400m Run
15 C2B
9 Burpees
15/10 Cal Row
400m Run
12 C2B
9 Burpees
If you don’t have a pull-up bar you can do bent over rows with a DB or Barbell.
CrossFit WOD, May 11, 2020
Monday Zoom Schedule:
Monday CrossFit Kids Class on Zoom 2PM
Monday-Friday CF Classes 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 4PM, 5:30PM
Monday 7pm Throw Down. We call out (Kelly, Jennifer Guthrie., and Eric O.) All to complete WOD one at the same time on Zoom at 7pm.
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
One WOD will be posted on Monday only, one WOD on Tuesday only and one WOD on Wednesday. This will make reading the leaderboard for each WOD easier.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person for every WOD. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
20 Single DB Alternating Snatches
40 DU
20 Single DB Overhead Reverse Lunges
40 DU
For Time:
500m Row or 400m Run or 35/20 Cal Bike
21 Box jumps or step ups 24/20"
9 Burpees
500m Row or 400m Run or 35/20 Cal Bike
18 Box jumps or step ups
9 Burpees
500m Row or 400m Run or 35/20 Cal Bike
15 Box jumps or step ups
9 Burpees
500m Row or 400m Run or 35/20 Cal Bike
12 Box jumps or step ups
9 Burpees
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
12 Thrusters (50’s/35’s)
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
9 Clean and Jerks (50’s/35’s)
21 Over-and-Back Dumbbell Hops
6 Devils Press (50’s/35’s)
*over and back is one rep on the hops. two DB for thrusters, clean and jerk and devils press. on the db clean and jerk only the front end of the DB hits the ground.
2 Front Squat
4 Back Squats
* Barbell Loaded at 63% 1RM Front Squat
21 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
100 Double Unders
21 Clean and Jerks (155/105)
On the Minute: 5 Wallballs (30/20)
RX (135/95) (20/14)
Every minute on the minute, you’ll complete 5 heavy wallballs
With whatever time remains in the minute, work through as many reps as possible of clean and jerks or DU
Pick up wherever you left off following the 5 wallballs
Your score is the total time it takes you to complete the 3 stations
There is a 15 minute time cap on this workout
20 Single DB Alternating Snatches
40 DU
20 Single DB Overhead Reverse Lunges
40 DU
CrossFit WOD, May 9, 2020
10 Rounds
6 Power Cleans
6 Front Squats
6 S2OH
Cash-Out 80 jumping lunges then 300 double unders
Barbell is 95/65
The Cash-in and cash-out needs to be done in order meaning finish all of the jumping lunges and then finish all of the double unders. Partners can split reps however they wish.
The 10 rounds will be done alternating rounds. Partner A does a full round and then Partner B does a full round to total 10 rounds. Five rounds for each partner.
The workout can’t be "won" in the first round, but it can certainly be "lost" there
Use the first 160 double unders, 800 meter run, and 40 burpees as a primer for the remaining 280 double unders, 1,000 meters of running, and 70 burpees
Think about maintaining or building upon your opening round speed as you move along in this workout
This speed is something you see yourself holding for close to 25 minutes
Start smart and finish strong