CrossFit WOD, September 14, 2021
On the 0:00 4 Pull-ups
On the 0:30 4 Pull-ups
On the 1:00 4 Pull-ups
On the 1:30 3 Pull-ups
On the 2:00 3 Pull-ups
On the 2:30 3 Pull-ups
18/14 Cal row
Max Wallballs (20/14)
The workout will begin on the Row, and on the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10…. we will perform that same row.
In the remaining time of the 2 minutes accumulate max rep wallballs.
Goal is to have about 1 minute of rowing and 1 minute of wallballs. On average when fresh 30 wallballs can be done in 1 minute. So use this as a baseline to understanding how to approach each time you pick up the ball.
Your row pace should be something that allows you to immediately pick up the wallball. Goal is 10 – 15 minute with a 20 minute time cap.
CrossFit WOD, September 13, 2021
10 – 8 – 7 – 6 – 6
5 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 2
8 minute Time cap for both ADV RX and RX
10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2
Bar MU
Devil’s Press 50/35
Double DB Step ups (24/20")
Ring Rows
CrossFit WOD, September 11, 2021
2001 Meter Row “Buy-In”
4 rounds:
9 Rope Climbs
11 Bear Complexes (135/95)
2977 Meter Row “Cash-Out”
1 Bear Complex:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press
ADV RX as written
RX 115/75
CrossFit WOD, September 10, 2021
2 High hang power snatch + 2 High hang squat snatch
Light weights
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch @65-70% 1RM Snatch
Each rep @90-95% of 1RM Snatch
15 T2B
10 DL 115/85
5 Power Snatch 115/85
ADV RX 155/105
CrossFit WOD, September 9, 2021
Every 25 Calories:
10 Weighted Sit-ups
15 Push-ups
20 StarFish
CrossFit WOD, September 8, 2021
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
12 Double DB Hang Cleans 50/35
9 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
CrossFit WOD, September 7, 2021
Set 1: 50-60%
Set 2: 70%
Set 3-5: 85%
20 DU
10 OHS
Directly into…….
1 Round:
30 OHS
100 DU
ADV RX 115/85
RX 95/65
1. We want to think smooth transitions here in the first part. Our ability to put the rope down and pick the bar up seamlessly will help us get into a good rhythm and not lose time,
2. Let’s reach for a big set on the second section of the workout. Let the goal to be unbroken, but have the smarts to drop a few reps before we would get into trouble if going unbroken isn’t in the cards today.
CrossFit WOD, September 6, 2021
8:30AM and 9:30AM
Happy Labor Day!
Today we honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.
6 Pull-ups
5 Rounds
20 Wallballs (30/20)
20 T2B
10 Single Arm Devils Press (70/50)
10 Cleans (175/125)
200m Run
Wallball (20/14)
Barbell (135/95)
DB (50/35)
CrossFit WOD, September 4, 2021
3 Rounds For Time
200 DU
30 C2B
40 Single DB Box Step ups (50/35)
CrossFit WOD, September 3, 2021
3 Strict Pull ups
0:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30
8:00 – 10:00 – 12:00
3 Sets:
5 Snatch Push Press
60% 1RM Snatch
this can be off the rack
15/12 Cal Row
9 Deficit HSPU (45/25lb plates)
2 minute Rest
AMRAP x 10
15/12 Cal Row
9 Deadlifts 275/185
Set 1: 50 -60%
Set 2: 70%
Set 3 – 5 80%
Climb in weight from set 1 – 3 then same weight for Set 3 – 5.
-Holding the 5 second pause at the bottom is more important than the loading.
– If you need to drop the wight in order to maintain perfect form and adhere to the pause please do so.