CrossFit WOD, June 25, 2021
9 – 8 – 7
Power Snatch
30/24 Cal Bike
6 – 5 – 4
Power Snatch
30/24 Cal Bike
3 – 2 – 1
Power Snatch
Power Clean
Front Squat
ADV RX 135/95
RX 115/85
CrossFit WOD, June 24, 2021
100 Cal Bike
2000m Row
1 Mile run
CrossFit WOD, June 23, 2021
MoFlow Thursday 7:30am. Please sign up. There is a class listed.
15 Power Cleans
12 Front Squats
9 Push Jerks
Time Remaining: AMRAP Thrusters
12 Pull-ups
21 KBS 24/16kg
400m Run
9 Pull-ups
15 KBS 24/16
400m Run
– Rounds begin every 4 minutes
– Score will be slowest round.
– Goal is 3:30 a round or less to give yourself 30 sec rest between.
***adjust reps or run distance as needed to stay under the 3:30 per round mark
CrossFit WOD, June 22, 2021
Strict HSPU
Strict Ring Dips
Kipping HSPU
Kipping Ring Dips
DB Push Press 50/35
Banded Pull downs or GHD Dips
Row Cal
Bike Cal
200m DB Farmers Carry 50/35
Row Cal
Bike Cal
200m DB Farmers Carry 50/35
Row Cal
Bike Cal
CrossFit WOD, June 21, 2021
20 Front Squats
20 Later over the bar burpees
20 Push Press
20 Later over the bar burpees
20 Thrusters
ADV RX 135/95
RX 115/85
CrossFit WOD, June 19, 2021
1 Mile Run or 2,000/1,800m Row or 100/80 Cal Bike (each and going at the same time)
20 Clean & Jerks
800m Run or 1,000/850m Row or or 50/35 Cal Bike (each and going at the same time)
20 Power Snatch
400m Run or 500/450m Row or 24/18 Cal Bike (each and going at the same time)
20 Thrusters
Barbell 135/95
Split reps on the barbell and cardio is done together.
Newer CrossFitters please do NOT do Snatches. Replace the Snatches with Slamballs or KBS
CrossFit WOD, June 18, 2021
Alternating on the 1:30 x 12
Interval 1:
2 Strict C2B
4 Strict Pull-ups
6 Strict HSPU
Interval 2:
6 Mat Lengths HS Walk
Interval 1:
4 Strict Pull-ups
6 Kipping HSPU
Interval 2:
3 Mat Lengths HS Walk
Example: On the 0:00 complete C2B, pull-ups and HSPU then at the 1:30, complete 6 mat lengths of HS walk. At the 3:00 go back to Interval 1 and at the 4:30 go back to Interval 2. Continue this pattern until the clock is at 12:00
PULL-UPS – banded or Ring rows or DB bent over rows
STRICT HSPU – Box HSPU or push-ups
HSWalk – DB or KB Overhead Carry for 50m on the Right then 50m on the Left or :20 – :30 Handstand hold practice or Shoulder Taps or Wall Walks
27 Box Jumps, 27 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
21 Deadlifts, 21 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
15 Hang Cleans, 15 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
9 Jerks, 9 T2B, 27/21 Cal Row
ADV RX 165/115
RX 135/95
CrossFit WOD, June 17, 2021
20 V-ups
400m Run
30 Cal Bike
20 Cal Row
10 Burpees
Every 200m is a rep on the run and on the machines every cal is a rep
CrossFit WOD, June 16, 2021
For Time:
50 Wallballs 20/14
800m Run
50 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
800m Run
50 Alternating every 5 reps DB Hang Clean + Jerk 50/35
800m Run
50 Wallballs 20/14
35 Wallballs 20/14
800m Run
30 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
800m Run
30 Alternating every 5 reps DB Hang Clean + Jerk 50/35
800m Run
35 Wallballs 20/14
Wallballs – squat jumps or single DB Thrusters or empty barbell thrusters
800m run – 800/600m Ski or Bike 50/35 or 1000/800m Row
DB SNATCH – Light barbell power snatch or KB Swings
DB C&J – Light barbell C&J
CrossFit WOD, June 15, 2021
1 Power Clean
1 Push Jerk
Work off of your 1RM power clean and Jerk:
Set 1: 60%
Set 2: 65%
Set 3 – 4 – 5 70%
3 Rounds:
15 Pull-ups
9 Power Clean and Jerks 95/65
Time Remaining: Max Calorie Bike
Rest 5 Minutes
2 Rounds:
12 C2B
9 Power Clean and Jerks 135/95
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
Rest 5 Minutes
1 Round:
9 Bar MU
9 Power Clean and Jerks 165/115
Time Remaining: Max Cal Bike
Score is total Cal on the Bike
1 Power Snatch