CrossFit WOD, October 1, 2020
15 Cal Machine
30 Russian KBS (24/16kg)
60 Sec Hollow Hold (accumulated)
CrossFit WOD, September 30, 2020
12/9 Cal any machine
Max Ring MU in time remaining
Rest 2:00
On the 2:00 x 3 Rounds:
12/9 Cal any machine
Max Ring MU in time remaining
RX: Bar MU
Scaling options:
Ring skill work
Banded Pull-ups
800m Run
20 T2B
10 Front Squats (185/135)
RX (155/105)
Modifications for the Run
1k Row
800m Ski Erg
50/35 Cal Bike
CrossFit WOD, September 29, 2020
Set 1: 70%
Set 2: 75%
Set 3,4,5: 80%
1,000 Meter Row
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
50 Barbell-Facing Burpees
ADV RX as written
RX 185/125
CrossFit WOD, September 28, 2020
MoFlow this Friday 7:30am
CrossFit WOD, September 26, 2020
200 m Run
10 Thusters 95/65
10 Lateral Barbell Burpees
CrossFit WOD, September 25, 2020
(5 Rounds)
:45s Row (recovery pace)
30′ HSWalk (5 mats)
HSW alternates:
-Wall Walks
-Handstand shoulder taps
-Single arm seated DB Press (5 per arm)
200m Run
12/8 Cal Bike
12 C2B
8 Single Arm DB Snatch 70/50
ADV RX as written
RX 50/35
CrossFit WOD, September 24, 2020
1 Mile Run or 1600m Row
50 Calorie Bike
1 Mile Run or 1600m Row
Run or Row 3 miles
GHD sit-up
W 185 lb. M 275 lb.
CrossFit WOD, September 23, 2020
8 Bar-Facing Burpees
20 DU
Max kipping HSPU with Time remaining.
-No rest between rounds
-Score is total number of HSPU
ADV RX as written
RX Max Push Press 95/65
60 Lunges
200m Run
Time Remaining Max Calorie Row
AMRAP x 5, Rest 5:
30 Single Front Rack DB Lunges (50/35)
200m Run
Time Remaining Max Calorie Row
AMRAP x 5, Rest 5:
20 Double DB Front Rack Lunges (50/35)
200m Run
Time Remaining Max Calorie Row
Lunges are in place not walking
Score is Calories on the Row
Scaling options for the Run:
12/9 Cal Bike
Scaling options for the Row:
Max any machine or Max Burpees
500-m run
15 overhead squats
15 bar-facing burpees
W 125 lb. M 185 lb.
CrossFit WOD, September 22, 2020
5 Rounds, based on your percentages: 35% Max Bar MU
3 Power Clean
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every set add weight to your bar working up to 85% of your 1RM Power Clean
Start around 75%
Power Clean 95/65
Hand Release Push-ups
Directly Into….
Push Press 95/65
ADV Rx as written
Rx 75/55
15 deadlifts
15 strict deficit handstand push-ups
W 205 lb., 2-in. deficit
M 315 lb., 3.5-in. deficit
CrossFit WOD, September 21, 2020
15 Wallballs (20/14#)
200m Run
Scaling options for Run
12/9 Cal Bike or 250m Row
21 thrusters
21 chest-to-bar pull-ups
W 85 lb. M 115 lb.