CrossFit WOD, May 8, 2020
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Deadlifts (205/135)
10 Dips (Ring if you have them)
Double DB Cluster 50/35#
400m Run
CrossFit WOD, May 7, 2020
CF classes 8am 10am 12pm 4pm 5:30pm
20/14 Any machine or 400m run
20 sit-ups
20/14 Any machine or 400m run
20 Hollow Rocks
CrossFit WOD, May 6, 2020
Wednesday Zoom Schedule:
Wednesday mobility 3PM
Monday-Friday CF Classes 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 4PM, 5:30PM
Wednesday 7pm Throw Down. We have: Katie T., Trent, Emma. All to complete WOD three at the same time on Zoom at 7pm.
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
One WOD will be posted on Monday only, one WOD on Tuesday only and one WOD on Wednesday. This will make reading the leaderboard for each WOD easier.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person for every WOD. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
20 KBS (24/16kg or 50/35# DB)
20 Box Jumps or Step ups (24/20")
CrossFit WOD, May 5, 2020
Tuesday Zoom Schedule:
Tuesday Power Abs Zoom 3PM
Monday-Friday CF Classes 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 4PM, 5:30PM
Tuesday 7pm Throw Down. We have: Amy, Chelsea, & Todd. All to complete WOD two at the same time on Zoom at 7pm.
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
One WOD will be posted on Monday only, one WOD on Tuesday only and one WOD on Wednesday. This will make reading the leaderboard for each WOD easier.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person for every WOD. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
3 Rounds
20 DB Snatch alternating every rep (50/35#)
20 DB Thrusters single arm, alternate every 5 reps (50/35#)
CrossFit WOD, May 4, 2020
Monday CrossFit Kids Class on Zoom 3PM
Monday-Friday CF Classes 8AM, 10AM, 12PM, 4PM, 5:30PM
Monday 7pm Throw Down. We call out (Jenn W. and Todd) Both to complete WOD one at the same time on Zoom at 7pm.
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
One WOD will be posted on Monday only, one WOD on Tuesday only and one WOD on Wednesday. This will make reading the leaderboard for each WOD easier.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person for every WOD. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
Monday WOD 1 For Time:
Deadlift 135/95 or Double DB 50/35#
Lateral Burpees
50 Wallballs 20/14
Deadlifts 135/95 or Double DB 50/35#
Lateral Burpees
NOTE: if you are using double DB’s please set them side by side so you have to jump over both for the lateral burpees.
Tuesday WOD 2 For Time:
3 Rounds
20 DB Snatch alternating every rep (50/35#)
20 DB Thrusters single arm, alternate every 5 reps (50/35#)
Wednesday WOD 3 For Time:
5 Rounds:
20 KBS (24/16kg or 50/35# DB)
20 Box Jumps or Step ups (24/20")
Deadlift 135/95 or Double DB 50/35#
Lateral Burpees
50 Wallballs 20/14
Deadlifts 135/95 or Double DB 50/35#
Lateral Burpees
NOTE: if you are using double DB’s please set them side by side so you have to jump over both for the lateral burpees.
CrossFit WOD, May 2, 2020
1 Mile Run
50 Pull-ups
30 Clusters (135/95)
CrossFit WOD, April 30, 2020
8am, 10am, 12pm, 4pm, 5:30pm
Thursday 3PM Power Abs with Myra
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
Minute 1: 20 Sit-ups
Minute 2: 10 Push-ups
Minute 3: 10 Hollow Rock
Minute 4: Row or Bike or Run
5 Rounds
CrossFit WOD, April 29, 2020
Wednesday 3PM Mobility with Alyson
Zoom 7pm Throw Down HAP, DANE S., DERRICK and ERICH have all been called out.
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
50 DU OR 150 Singles OR 75 side to side line jumps
30 Air Squats
Round 1 On Minute 0:00
60 Thruster
Round 2 On Minute 7:00
60 Snatches
If you have a barbell it is 75/55
If you have a DB it is One DB 50/35. Barbell Snatches are hang only. DB goes to the ground.
For those that have different equipment there will be extenuating circumstances. Just discuss them with me or Eric.
Snatches please lock out at the top.
Rest 1 Minutes
Rest 1 Minutes
Rest 1 Minutes
Lunges: please touch knee to ground and please stand all the way up
Burpees: Please Stand up straight when you jump and lay down so your chest is flat on the ground.
CrossFit WOD, April 28, 2020
Tuesday 3PM Power Abs with Jill
Tuesday YES Another Throwdown at 7pm but this time it is (Josh R. Hillary, Miranda, Jason D.) All four competing at the same time on Zoom at 7pm. We will announce which WOD they are doing once we log on.
Zoom 564-790-2205
password 243401
Couple of reminders:
You have until Wednesday at Midnight to log all of your scores. You can redo any WOD up until midnight.
YOU NEED A JUDGE ON ZOOM OR in person. It can be anyone.
EVERYONE IS PARTICIPATING. Put your score in WODIFY PLEASE! This will only be fun if everyone does it.
50 DU OR 150 Singles OR 75 side to side line jumps
30 Air Squats
Round 1 On Minute 0:00
60 Thruster
Round 2 On Minute 7:00
60 Snatches
If you have a barbell it is 75/55
If you have a DB it is One DB 50/35. Barbell Snatches are hang only. DB goes to the ground.
For those that have different equipment there will be extenuating circumstances. Just discuss them with me or Eric.
Snatches please lock out at the top.
Rest 1 Minutes
Rest 1 Minutes
Rest 1 Minutes
Lunges: please touch knee to ground and please stand all the way up
Burpees: Please Stand up straight when you jump and lay down so your chest is flat on the ground.
Zoom Mobility 3PM
Dane S. 1st
Derrick & Erich 2nd
Cambell 1st
Myra 2nd
Everyone did awesome this week. Great job competing and having fun.
I will post our Saturday competition WOD on IG tomorrow well before our zoom announcement at 7pm on Friday.
All the winners are now captains. Captains will choose their team of two to compete on Saturday. Captains will coach, stratagize, and help prepare their team for Saturday throwdown.